The book "High Fidelity" by british author Nick Hornby is one of my favorites. I don't really know why, but it could be that it's elegant truffled with recognition, references, moments and spot-on lines. The book has been adapted to film (and takes place in the US). This transfer works unexpectedly well. One of many colourful characters in the book (and film) is "Ray" Raymond, former neighbour, conflict resolution counselor and the romantic rival to the protagonist, Rob Gordon. When Rob's girlfriend, Laura, leaves him, his whole world falls apart. Laura moves temporarily in with the rival. Rob's portrait of Ian "Ray" Raymond isn't particular nice. "I'm starting to remember things now: his dungarees; his music (African, Latin, Bulgarian, whatever fucking world music fad was trendy that week); his hysterical, nervous, nerve-jangling laugh; the terrible cooking smells that used to pollute the stairway; the visitors that used to stay too late and drink too much and leave too noisily. I can't remember anything good about him at all." Rob humiliates himself beyond comprehension and ultimately lapse into stalking. In the book he is confronted by Ian "Ray" Raymond. Rob tries to defend himself and says that he has stopped stalking. "We've noticed, and we're glad. But, you know... how are going to make peace here? We want to make things easier for you. What can we do? Obviously I know how special Laura is, and I know that things can't be good for you at the moment. I'd hate it if I lost her. But I'd like to think that if she decided she didn't want to see me any more, I'd respect that decision. D'you see what I'm saying?" In the film the role of Ian "Ray" Raymond is played by Tim Robbins. He doesn't hold back. In fact, he plays out the whole register and gives all the conflict resolution counselors of the world a bad name. Counseling may sound serious, adult and mature. But, being calm, understanding and Zen-like comes at a price, which is repressed agression. Not an admirable trait for a counselor.
"The conflict resolution counselor"
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