CD sales peaked in 2000. Thereafter, cd sales began to decrease. First gradually, then rapidly. Today, very few cds are manufactured and sold. In fact, new cds never enter the second hand market. There is no first owner. For some morbid reason I follow the statistics from the Swedish branch of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI). The revenues from CD sales in 2021 amounted to 3 percent of total revenues. In 2021, cd sales actually increased (but from a very low level). What about the future for our beloved cd? Maybe, it will come down to greed, exlusivity and vanity. A single cd, impossible to copy and sold to the highest bidder, like NFT? Non-fungible tokens (NFT), are unique files that live on a blockchain and are able to verify ownership of a work of digital art. The hype-driven and, to say the least, environmentally unfriendly technology have found its way into the music business. Could we merge the NFT and cd technology? NFTs cannot be replicated and are unique digital assets. CDs can be copied. The CCCD system, a copy prevention system, used from 2001 until 2006 on several digital audio disc releases by EMI and Sony failed. Copy controlled cds are both dumb and inefficient, just like the "Home Taping Is Killing Music" campaign in the beginning of the 1980s, read more here (opens in a new window). The CCCD technique had huge flaws. The cds didn't play on ordinary cd players. It also compromised the sound (popped and clicked). The copy protection increased errors and the jitter rate. The cds were defective and fraudulent. The copy-protection could easily be by-passed. Could it be done in a better way today? The technology has certainly changed in 20 years. Maybe, copy protection could be revived. He who dies alone surrounded with unique and verified tokens wins.
"Are cds the new NFT?"
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