Attention to detail is the ability to observe, analyze, and comprehend every aspect of a given task or situation. It's the dying art of being meticulous, precise, and thorough. I can be attentive. I can spend hours planning and structuring, searching for information, filtering data, fact-checking and cross-referencing, choosing and editing photos for the website. Pixel by pixel, if necessary. Paradoxically, certain things completely eludes me. I'm unable to remember or learn. It doesn't matter how many times i have performed a task. It doesn't stick. Attention to detail requires an interest. That goes for people, places, things, and even relationships. And why bother with things that you don't find interesting. And besides, the human brain cannot absore all information. It would lead to a stack overflow. It's a type of buffer overflow error that occurs when a computer program tries to use more memory space in the call stack than has been allocated to that stack. Too much focus on detail can cause problems. For you and related. Attention to detail is a good thing, taken in moderation. You need to combine attention to detail with an ability to see the big picture and make connections between the two. Where is this blog post going? The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail. There's no "work-around" or "quick-fix" when it comes to running a website. You have to put in the hours or else put it to rest. A job half done isn't done.
"Attention to detail"
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