
"The call for an executive order"

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Joe Biden's first executive order was "Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities". An executive order is a directive by the president of the United States. This order gives presidents broad executive and enforcement authority to use their discretion to determine how to enforce the law or to otherwise manage the resources and staff of the executive branch. I don't have presidential powers. I'm only a Swedish civil servant with an internet connection. But if I had power, my first order as president would be to permit Dad Horse Experience to return and tour in the US. The German artist last appearance in the US was in 2014. When the artist tried to return for a seven week tour in February 2015 he was banned and cast out. The motive: lack of a working visa. Dad Horse declared in a newsletter: "I never intent to harm the American people or to exhaust the American economy". In another newsletter Dad Horse explained that he just wanted to go back to the land where "I found so much resonance and appreciation for the weird and twisted kind of music which I am doomed to produce in this crazy world. But after I've checked all the economical and legal circumstances I came to the conclusion that this will most probably never gonna happen. Some may be sad about it, some may be relieved, but I won't expect to play any shows in the US for the foreseeable future at all. There is simply no doable way to get a decent working visa. I feel sad about this because for me it has been so much inspiring and uplifting travels in the US between 2012 and 2014. I met so many funny, weird and amicable people there, which I often miss and I wish I could see them again. There are both cultural and economic aspects. Keller Gospel is art. The American people have been deprived this art form. Dad Horse Experience also have (by gothic country standards) a strong fanbase in the United States. The ban meant a huge economic blow for the artist. Former president Trump had a terrible music taste and despised Europeans. President Biden, the time is always right to do what is right.   


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