O'Death released their latest album "Out Of Hands We Go" in 2014. The last time the band played together was on December 1, 2019 (venue: Pete's Candy Store, Brooklyn NY). After that, an indefinite hiatus followed. The band members still perform now and then, either solo or supporting each other in small constellations. But, there's no sign of them coming back as a full band. Their website is active and you can buy some of their cds and vinyls directly from the band. But for how long? A recent Facebook-post sound really ominous "Not sure when we’ll re-stock again, as inventory is starting to run low!" To my knowledge, O'Death have never officially called it quits (or announced a hiatus, for that matter). Not many bands return from a hiatus. The resurrection rate is particularly low in the gothic country genre. And what are the odds for a musical project that started already in 2003? People move on with family, jobs and other project. You don't get rich from this kind of music. On the contrary, you will be poor. And we all have to support ourselves. The total silence and uncertainty is unbearable. That's why an indefinite hiatus is the worst hiatus.
"Indefinite hiatus is the worst hiatus"
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