
"Contradiction in terms"

480There are situations where you need to cleanse your mind and re-start yourself. It's similar to computers; you need to reboot them when there is a problem. Music is a perfect tool for this. The best cleansing music is folkpunk. The term is made up of two words: folk and punk, seemingly a contradiction in terms. Folkpunk combines the instrumentation of traditional folk with the raw energy of punk. Same same, but different. Folk and punk have the simplicity and authenticity in common. Some characteristics: Non-bourgeoisie lifestyle including squatting, hard-charging vocals, political bent (socialism, anarchism and environmentalism) and lyrics without subtlety. No allegories whatsoever. What is said, is meant. Notable folkpunk bands are Blackbird Raum, Ramshackle Glory and Mischief Brew. I've got five Blackbird Raum albums in my collection: Purse-Seine (2007), Swidden (2008), Under The Starling Host (2009), False Weavers (2013) and Destroying (2015). I like folkpunk, but these are the only folkpunk albums that I've got. Any expansion of the collection needs to be nipped in the bud. Otherwise, there's an imminent risk that the floodgates will open and never close. And it's going to be costly. Paradoxically, used cdr are very expensive. It's supply and demand. The market forces tend to apply also in the folkpunk sector. A disclaimer, the folkpunk genre is crammed with talentless people who can't play and/or sing. It's not surprising. The level of entry is low, while the tolerance level for deficiencies is indefinite. However, if you take the time there are some nuggets out there. In my opinion, the best album for cleansing your mind is Douglas Für "The Dried Up Rivers Will Be The Mass Graves Of Tomorrow". The album is available on Bandcamp for your listening (dis)pleasure. Folkpunk may constitute a contradiction in terms. However, they work perfectly fine together.

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