
10 essential non-american albums

About the list: "I believe in America" as Amerigo Bonasera put it in "The Godfather". I really believe in America when it comes to this kind of music. American bands and artists are, in general, so much better than bleak and tiresome epigones from Europe. However, there are outstanding exceptions, like the ones on the list below. 



 Cover Album Artist





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In the Cold Light of Day





The dark side of "Emmerdale" from Spalding, United Kingdom. OldBoy are a willful band and they don't throw any anxious glances toward what other bands might do. This is british rural realism at its finest.





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Death Country




Reverend Elvis

Death country from Chemnitz, Germany. The good reverend goes his own ways making both covers and original songs. In fact, his best songs are his own songs. Sometimes he plays solo and sometimes he appears with the Undead Syncopators.





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Dead Dog on a Highway





The Dad Horse Experience

Keller Gospel from Bremen, Germany. Headstrong music from a headstrong artist. Dad Horse plays tenor banjo, foot pedal synthesizer and kazoo. And yes, there’s a dead dog on a highway on the album cover. Very fitting indeed.





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 Bury Me Tomorrow




 The Dirt

Gothic country from Glasgow, United Kingdom (Scotland). Described as ”Scotland's finest purveyors of gothic country gloom”. In my opinion, it sounds like Fairport Convention has been cloned by Those Poor Bastards. And that is a good thing.





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Black Horse Saloon




JB Nelson & the Chainsaws

Alternative, experimental, noise-art and country-core from Glasgow, United Kingdom (Scotland). "Though still thoroughly dark and menacing, The Black Horse Saloon adds a light at the end of the tunnel, one that we aren't sure JB can see.”





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Dirty with the Blues





Sleepy Eyes Nelson

Gothic Country Blues from Ayrshire, United Kingdom (Scotland). Sleepy is the brother of JB, who realized the potential for Sleepy's music. Drinking, gambling, sinning and dying are the subjects of this album. Jesus himself is coming.




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 The 5th Sin-Phonie





The Dead Brothers


Death country from Geneva, Switzerland. According to themselves: "The greatest and strangest funeral combo of the world. Who would imagine that rock'n'roll took a different, more sombre route hidden in the Swiss mountains." I agree.








The Lovesick, The Guilty & The Drunk




Slim Wild Boar

Indefinable country, blues and rock music from Rennes, France. Released in the cd format on Devil’s Ruin Records in 2010. Never seen for sale, neither new or used. Re-recorded, re-arranged, and re-issued in 250 vinyl copies on Kizmiaz Records.  




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The Coffinshakers




The Coffinshakers

Horror country from Karlstad, Sweden. Described as: “What if Johnny Cash had been more interested in vampires, werewolves, and the German expressionistic cinema than in walking the line?” Should not be dismissed as a novelty act.











 Salter Cane

Dark roots from Brighton, United Kingdom. Salter Cane trade in ballads of melancholie and tales of murder. From the product description: “Menacing and melodic Americana-tinged rock. Let the river take you to a cold, dark bed.”



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