
"By design or by default"

480Do you live your life by design or by default? Living by design means living according to a plan in order to achieve your true purpose in life. Living by default means living without plans and letting things happen as you go. It's widely considered that living by design leads to success, while living by default leads to mediocrity. Most people can be placed in a spectrum between design and default. We all have a little of both in us. I think it's bad to be at the ends of the spectrum, especially the design extreme point. Planning is everything, but the plan is nothing. Not all things will go according to your plan. Even the best and elaborate plan will not make much difference. Instead, you should put your trust in people, circumstances and opportunities. When one door closes another one opens. It's a sliding doors moment, where you can look back several decades from now and see whether you chose the right or the wrong door. However, even in hindsight it will be difficult to determine whether it was the right or wrong door. Personally, I have always aimed at mediocrity. "Mediocrity is always praised" said my first boss and I marked his words. He met opposition and resistance with a cold steel approach. He also introduced me to the concept of repressive tolerance and how to master it. Because of his efforts, I was sent on a path for which I am grateful for.

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