Albums are an integral part of a gothic country website. It isn't complete without an Albums section. Component or no component, you need some kind of order or system to keep tabs on all albums. I bought a standard product, read more here (opens in a new window). A huge mistake, as it turned out. I had to find another solution. Which I did. However, it wasn't me that found this practical and aesthetic solution. I totally lack the necessary skill set. The ten shifting album covers represents the list "10 essential gothic country albums" (opens in a new window). The prestigious list is one of the most visited pages on the website. However, there are many more albums to check out. Below you will find over 500 albums that I have found worthwhile to buy and collect. 98,7 percent of them are cds. The remaining 1,3 percent are digital releases. Some of the albums are relatively easy to get a hold of, while others are more rare. A couple of albums are on the verge of impossible to find. They are presented in alphabetical order by artist. If you click on an album cover you will be redirected to the exact copy on Discogs. This is the ultimate place for record collectors and nerds. Here you will find all the album information and can check if there are any copies for sale. The albums are all from my personal collection.
- The Lindbergh Baby (albums)
- The Lonesome Valley Singers (albums)
- The Low-Country Messiahs (albums)
- The Maledictions (albums)
- The Monads (albums)
- The Mountain Apple Epidemic (albums)
- The Peculiar Pretzelmen (albums)
- The Pine Box Boys (albums)
- The Roe Family Singers (albums)
- The Sad Bastard Book Club (albums)